If Not Applicable use NA or if Not Known use NK. Dangerous goods occurrence reporting 124.
Dangerous Goods Accident Inciden Dangerous Goods Accident
3 A dangerous goods accident is an occurrence associated with and related to the transport of dangerous goods which results in f atal or serious injury to a person or major property damage.

Dangerous goods occurrence report. 2 Any type of dangerous goods occurrence must be reported irrespective of whether the dangerous goods are contained in cargo mail or baggage. Dangerous occurrence reports provide the Authority with data that assists in targeting activities and advising employers on preventing injuries and accidental loss. Any type of dangerous goods occurrence must be reported irrespective of whether the dangerous goods are contained in cargo mail or baggage.
Report of Undeclared or Misdeclared Dangerous Goods Section 814 of the TDGR CANUTEC at 1-888-CAN-UTEC 226-8832 613-996-6666 or 666 on a cell phone Discovery of dangerous goods that have none of the documentation or dangerous goods marks set out in Parts 1 to 6 and Part 8 of the ICAO. MNE PRIJAVA O DOGAĐAJU IZAZVANOM PRISUSTVOM OPASNOG TERETA ENG Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report Strana 1 2 Agencija za civilno vazduhoplovstvo Crne Gore Josipa Broza Tita bb 81000 Podgorica e-mail. A dangerous goods incident is an occurrence other than a dangerous goods accident associated with and related to the transport of dangerous goods not necessarily occurring on board an aircraft which results in inju-ry to a person property damage fire breakage spillage leakage of fluid or radiation or other evidence that the.
This form should also be used to report any occasion when undeclared or misdeclared dangerous goods are discovered in cargo mail or unaccompanied baggage or when accompanied baggage contains dangerous goods. For this purpose serious injury is as defined in Regulation EU No 996201031. AUSTRO CONTROL GmbH Aviation Agency Management Services Wagramer Strae 19 1220 Vienna Austria No.
Hong Kong Operators shall report dangerous goods occurrence wherever they occurred. A a Territory operator wherever it occurs. 23112020 Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report Please fill in the framed fields of the form sign it and send it together with attachments to dg-reportaustrocontrolat or via FAX to 1777 or by post to.
Dangerous Goods Accidents and Incidents must be reported within 72 hours so that an investigation by the CAA or the relevant authority can establish the cause and take action to prevent a recurrence wherever possible. It is important that this form is completed in as much detail as possible Headline Operator Date Time Flight Date Flight no Departure Destination Aircraft type. A dangerous goods accident is as defined in Annex I.
1 Mark type of occurrence. A dangerous goods accident is an occurrence associated with and related to the transport of dangerous goods which results in fatal or serious injury to a person or major property damage. 1 Any dangerous goods accident incident or finding of undeclared or misdeclared dangerous goods in cargo or passengers baggage must be reported to the Governor in accordance with the specified requirements by.
No Imminent risk of loss of product. Deaths number Injured number Loss of product. A dangerous goods accident is an occurrence associated with and related to the transport of dangerous goods which results in fatal or serious injury to a person or major property damage.
10042018 Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report Reporting to the President of the Civil Aviation Authority are subject to any detection of an accident incident undeclared or incorrectly declared dangerous goods in accordance with the following regulations. Non-Hong Kong operators shall report dangerous goods occurrence if they occurred within Hong Kong. A small proportion of the more serious accidents are investigated by our inspectors.
Any type of dangerous goods occurrence must be reported irrespective of whether the dangerous goods are contained in cargo mail or baggage. Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report Complete ALL boxes. Completed reports shall be sent to the Dangerous Goods Office Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department by fax 852 2795 8469 or by e-mail.
A dangerous goods accident is an occurrence associated with and related to the transport of dangerous goods which results in fatal or serious injury to a person or major property damage. Chapter 12 dangerous goods accident and incident reporting 121 With the aim of preventing the recurrence of dangerous goods accidents and incidents each Contracting State shall establish procedures for investigating and compiling information concerning such accidents and incidents which occur in its territory and which involve the transport of dangerous goods originating in or. Yes Evacuation of persons for a duration of at least 3 hours caused by.
Any type of dangerous goods occurrence must be reported irrespective of whether the dangerous goods are contained in cargo mail or baggage. Avoid use of technical jargon hieroglyphics and abbreviations. Consequence of occurrence Personal injury in connection with the dangerous goods.
Estimated level of damage.
Dangerous Goods Regulations Cat 9
Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report
Accident And Dangerous Occurrence Reporting Health And Safety Authority
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Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report
Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report
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